Innovative Thermal Management Solutions for High Power Electronic Modules

In this article we propose Aismalibar's thermal solutions for high power electronic modules.

The current trend in power electronics in all application fields is towards the increase of power and functionality of Electronic Power Modules. At the same time, space for the PCB in those future Power Modules is continuously decreasing.

This is creating increasing challenges for design engineers:

  • Working with the allocated smaller space for the electronics.
  • Reaching the specified increased performance.
  • Guaranteeing the Endurance and Quality of the full Power Module.

Both aspects, increasing performance at reduced space, have one thing in common:

Respect the thermal characteristics, especially mid/long term effects, of the active and passive electronic components used in the Power Module.

Thermal solutions of Complex Electronics Circuitries

Thermal optimization of complex electronic circutries

Designing a well-considered heat management system throughout the whole cooling chain of the Power Module, will ensure the Performance, Quality and Lifetime of the Power Application.

High temperature of electronic components lead to a variety of effects, such as quality and malfunction on the component itself and by that, the performance of the entire Electronic Power Module.
(electronic expert, 2003)​
End users may get a negative image of the Electronic Application, such as low performance, low reliability, low quality or discomfort from High Temperature in the electronic components on the PCB.
(electronic expert, 2003)​
These issues need to be addressed at design starting by R&D Engineers, striving for the best Thermal Management & Electrical Isolation Solution.
(electronic expert, 2003)​

Aismalibar thermal solutions for high power electronic modules

This report looks into two different application cases of Thermal PrePregs with the aim of proposing innovative thermal solutions for power electronic modules.

Common target is to improve the thermal performance of a PCB and it’s electronic components by using Thermal PrePregs in:

  • 1. Multilayer PCBs
  • 2. Double Layer IMS PCB

1. 12 Stage Multi-Layer PCB

Priority: Maximizing Thermal Flow throughout full 12 Layer PCB stack

Key target: Reducing Component Temperature on Top Side

Case study

12 stage multi-layer PCB

First, graphic Card makers observed repeatedly component defects, mainly with MOS FET (PMF) used in Power Supply and high speed DRAM Memories.

Second, component Failure analysis showed in most cases “death by thermal overstress”.

Third, investigations started on how to reduce component temperature on the PCB top side of the graphic card.

Test environment

Benchmarking two identical PCBs, running under the same Test Software.

The Existing PCB, built with Standard FR4 PrePreg,


the same Multilayer PCB layout based on Thermal PrePreg by Aismalibar.

Sensors implemented on the PCB under test at critical thermal hot spots to monitor PMF and Graphic Memories housing temperature.

Top Level Test Results

Replacing standard FR4 PrePregs by Aismalibar’s Thermal PrePregs in the same ML PCB results in a Temperature decrease at critical electronic components by around 10K.

Component temperature Thermal FR4

10K temp decrease may not be important at low operating temperature condition (room temperature).
However, on Graphic Cards functionality and lifetime at typical high temperature environment in a closed PC housing it will have significant impact

2. Next Generation Industrial LED LIGHTING IMS PCB

Priority: Realizing Complex Circuitry Functionality on an IMS PCB

Key targets: Achieving Higher Functionality at Reduced Board Size & Cost;

Staying within LED Thermal limits, max. operating temperature.

Case study

This case study is showing the evolution from a LED-PCB for Industrial Lighting under serial production today.

On the IMS top side, space is mainly used for LED Array and Connector.

Next generation of LED Lighting PCB incorporates higher complexity functions like remote diagnosis, Bus control, LED Brightness and color temperature adjustments, etc.

The complex circuitry cannot be realized on a single layer IMS, but requires two layers.

A thermal concept for keeping LED Temperature within specification plus guaranteeing dielectric strength >4KV between operational layers and Metal Ground Plate is provided by a Double Layer IMS stack.

This is built with thermal PrePreg and IMS material, both 3,2W/mK, by Aismalibar.

Aismalibar's thermal solutions for high power electronic modules

Aismalibar Bondsheets are available in thicknesses from 70 to 100um at 2,2 and 3,2W/mK High Tg.


Aismalibar’s “THINLAM” Concept offers an extremely wide ranke of:

  • Materials
  • Performances
  • Thicknesses

The best thermal solutions for the individuel needs of
every power electronic project.

Thermal solutions for High Power Electronic Modules: Summary

All Thermal Management activities at Aismalibar are driven by decades of experience in managing heat of electronic components on the PCB Top Side.

Below expert’s statement confirms the importance of keeping the temperatures of electronic components as much down as possible.

“An increase of 9 Kelvin will bare the risk to half the lifetime of an Electronic Power Component”

Fill the form to contact Aismalibar’s experts. They will be happy to help you find the best thermal solution for your power electronic module.
